9075 Comprint Court • Gaithersburg, MD 20877
[email protected]
Tel: 301-926-2300 • Fax: 301-926-6780
Copyright © 2025 Community Support Services
CSS provides services for children with autism and other developmental disabilities, ages 6 to 21. Children may be referred by family members, Montgomery County, case managers, or MCPS depending on the service requested. CSS is authorized to provide services under the autism waiver, DDA waivers, M.C. Aging and Disability, and Maryland State Department of Education. All services are designed to meet the health and safety needs of each child and to comply with all county, state and federal requirements.
Services and schedules for services are individualized to the child and family. Support is focused on building independent living skills, social interaction with peers, and community inclusion. Services are scheduled to coordinate with school schedules and family needs and may be utilized for short periods or throughout the year.
Children receiving services are eligible for Autism Waiver, DDA waivers, or Montgomery County funded services. Children with a need for continuous support from trained staff in small groups or with 1:1 support participate in therapeutic and instructional programs.
CSS operates an accredited nonpublic residential school for children ages 11-21. Montgomery County Public Schools refers students determined to be appropriate for the program. The Marcia D. Smith School provides highly individualized special education services. The program focuses on transition to adult services and supports students with independent living skills, vocational skills, and behavioral supports. Students completing special education in this program receive priority for admission to CSS adult services.
CSS provides a therapeutic after school program on weekdays located in the CSS Resource Center in Gaithersburg. Children attending the program may use Therapeutic Integration or Intensive Therapeutic Integration Services if enrolled in the Autism Waiver, Personal Support Services if enrolled in a DDA waiver, or county funding. A treatment plan or a person-centered plan identifies goals for each child, and services are tailored to individual needs. Children receive support from trained staff to engage in activities designed to meet identified goals with a focus on community engagement and social skill development. Children arrive via school bus typically between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., and end services at 6 p.m. Services are provided beginning earlier on half days from public and nonpublic schools. Transportation to community locations during program hours is provided by CSS in minivans.
CSS provides a structured recreational program on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Children participating in the program may be funded through Intensive Individual Support Services if eligible for the Autism Waiver, through Personal Support Services if eligible for a DDA waiver, or through county funding. Focus is on community engagement in age appropriate activities and social/behavioral skill development.
CSS provides a structured recreational program on days off from school during winter break and spring break as well as other holidays and professional days off from school. The program typically operates from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with trained staff providing support and instruction in community based activities. Children funded through the Autism Waiver may use TI, ITI, or IISS services, DDA funded children may use Personal Support Services, and others may use county funding.
CSS provides structured day services during the summer when school is out or school days are shortened for ESY programs. The summer day service typically operates from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and on half days from school hours are adjusted in accordance with the child’s school schedule. Extended hours to 6 p.m. may be available upon request. Children may participate for one week or longer during the summer months. Children receive support from trained staff to participate in a wide variety of activities in the community and the CSS Resource Center designed to promote community inclusion, social/behavioral skills, and recreation and leisure time interests.
CSS provides in-home support for children funded through the Autism Waiver and DDA. In-home supports are individually arranged and scheduled to meet the needs of the family and child. In-home supports focus on the development of independent living skills, personal care, and social/behavioral needs. Children eligible for Autism Waiver service may use IISS and DDA funded children may use Personal Supports for this service.
CSS is authorized to provide Adult Life Planning (ALP) through the Autism Waiver. CSS has experience with the transition process to adult services in Maryland and CSS professionals can support and guide family members through the steps, provide information about options, and connect families to desired resources.
Services are based in the CSS Resource Center located at 9075 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD. Community facilities and locations are included in every service with age appropriate activities with peers. The CSS Resource Center has space for a wide variety of instructional and therapeutic activities with a gym, exercise area, art and music rooms, classrooms, and a playground. The CSS facility is the hub for arrival and departure each day. Community facilities available include community centers, swimming pools, sports facilities, gymnastic venues, parks, nature centers, etc. Children explore their interests in different activities and are supported to increase skills in the use of these venues.
Interested applicants should reach out to [email protected] to request more information or a tour. Referrals may be sent by Autism Waiver case managers, CCS, or family members. Children may participate in services short term, or continuously throughout the year for one or more services. You may also apply now online.